In 2011 the STSM Act were published to become in force on a date to be announced by the Minister. The Act could not come in force before the Regulations to it have been finalized. Now finally on 2 October 2015 these Regulations have been published and opened for public comment for a period of 30 days.
Looking at the new Act – that is not open for public comment and will be passed as is once the Regulations have been finalized – there are certain important things our complexes need to take note of.
The history of it is that it was decided to remove all the management issues addressed in the ST Act and move it to the STSM Act. Some things were moved as is and some were amended and a couple of new things added. (NB this is not law yet)
DefinitionsAgain to be noted that the above is not law yet.
In the proposed regulations the following was added:
First you have to see what the reserve balance is sitting at, at year-end.
Then calculate what the total contributions to the administration fund were for the past financial year (these are monies received to cover the operating expenses of the building)
Then take the reserve fund balance (determined in 1) divided by the contributions (determined in 2) and multiply it by 100 to get a percentage
We are raising the question as to what will happen if a scheme does not adhere to this – i.e. not set up a reserve fund
Several PMR’s were amended and some of the current PMR’s were even omitted.
DefinitionsThis is a whole new concept that is being introduced as compulsory.
And that failure threatens the stability of the common property, the safety of the building or otherwise materially prejudices the interest of the BC, its members or occupiers of sections – then the BC must remedy the member’s failure and recover the costs from that member – 30 days grace falls away
We are compiling a report, with all our questions and comments on the proposed changes, that we will submit to the Department of Human Settlements before the end of October 2015.
We will also attend the Public Participation sessions arranged by the CSOS in this regard.
Should you have any questions or comments on any of the above please contact the writer.
Kind regards
Karien Coetzee
National Property Management Consultant
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