Sectional Title Finance

Managing a sectional title community scheme is a complex task that involves overseeing a variety of financial management responsibilities, from routine maintenance to funding significant repairs and property improvement. To manage these demands effectively, a strategic and comprehensive approach to financial management is essential. Sectional title finance plays an important role in this process, providing the financial flexibility and security needed to maintain and improve properties without placing undue strain on the budget or necessitating a special levy. At Trafalgar, we offer specialized, flexible and tailored sectional title finance solutions designed to meet the unique needs of bodies corporate as well as other forms of community schemes such as homeowners' associations (HOAs), retirement complexes, golf estates and share block companies.

The Role of Sectional Title Finance

Sectional title finance refers to short and medium team loan funding to assist sectional title schemes as well as any other community schemes with loan funding or working capital for maintenance, improvements, municipal account corrections and other requirements which may arise from time to time. Effective financial management of sectional title and community schemes in general ensures that a body corporate can maintain a steady cash flow, meet its obligations, undertake consistent maintenance and enhance the value of the property over time.

Key Components of Sectional Title Finance

Levy Finance: Levies are the primary source of income for most sectional title schemes, covering everything from routine maintenance to major repairs. Effective levy collections are essential for ensuring that the body corporate has the necessary funds to meet its obligations to maintain service continuity. This includes accurate budgeting and time-effective approval of budgets and levy schedules, managing collections, and dealing with arrears.

Budgeting and Financial Planning: A well-prepared budget is the cornerstone of good financial management in a sectional title scheme. Budgeting involves forecasting future expenses, allocating funds for maintenance, repairs, insurance, and other needs, and ensuring that there are reserves for unexpected costs. Effective budgeting and financial planning help prevent financial shortfalls and ensure the long-term sustainability of the scheme.

Funding Major Repairs and Upgrades: Over time, all properties require significant repairs or upgrades, such as roof replacements, structural repairs, or modernizing communal facilities. These projects often require substantial funds that exceed the regular levy income. Sectional title finance solutions, short- to medium-term loan finance, provide the necessary funding to undertake these projects without disrupting the scheme’s financial stability. Additional benefits include no penalties or exit costs for early settlement and also commencing with projects sooner to avoid inflationary increases.

Cash Flow Management: Maintaining a positive cash flow is vital for the smooth operation of any sectional title scheme. Cash flow management involves ensuring that incoming funds from levies and other sources are sufficient to cover ongoing expenses, while also maintaining reserves for future and potentially unexpected needs. Effective cash flow management helps prevent financial crises and service delivery interruptions.

Handling Arrears and Debt Collection: In any community scheme, there may be instances where some owners fall behind on their levy payments. Managing these arrears effectively is critical to maintaining the financial health of the scheme.

Accessing Financing Options: In some cases, sectional title schemes may need to access external financing to cover large expenses or bridge cash flow gaps. Sectional title loan finance is a convenient way to address this requirement. Flexible terms, prime-linked interest rates, and early settlement are all options available. A sectional title loan does require approval by special resolution at an AGM/SGM to go ahead.

How Trafalgar Can Support Your Sectional Title Finance Needs

At Trafalgar, we understand the complexities of managing sectional title schemes and the financial challenges that can arise. Our sectional title finance solutions are designed to provide the loan finance and cash flow which may be required to address specific challenges or projects.

Tailored Financial Solutions: We offer customized financial solutions that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of your sectional title scheme. Whether you need help with budgeting, cash flow management, or financing major repairs, our team works closely with you to develop a strategy that aligns with your goals and to tailor flexible and cost-effective loan finance to the requirement.

Levy Solutions: Our Levy Solutions product is designed to help bodies corporate manage cash flow issues by providing a guaranteed fixed monthly levy income less an agreed market-related finance fee. This product also includes the advancement of up to 90% of arrears, ensuring that you have the funds needed to maintain your property and cover essential expenses.

Flexible Financing Options: Trafalgar offers a range of financing options to help manage large expenses, such as major repairs or upgrades. Our flexible terms and competitive rates ensure that you can access the funding you need without placing undue strain on your budget.

Expert Financial Guidance: Navigating the financial aspects of managing a sectional title scheme can be challenging. Our experienced team provides expert guidance and support, helping you make informed decisions and achieve financial stability for your community. Preparing the necessary special resolution approval documentation is also in scope.

Efficient Processing: We understand the importance of timely access to funds. Trafalgar’s streamlined processing ensures that you receive loan finance quickly, allowing you to address any financial challenges or undertake necessary projects without delay.

Benefits of Effective Sectional Title Finance

Accessing sectional title loan finance offers numerous benefits for sectional title and other types of community schemes:

Stable Cash Flow: Ensuring a steady cash flow allows for timely maintenance and repairs, preventing financial disruptions and ensuring the smooth operation of the scheme.

Improved Property Value: Properly financed repairs and upgrades enhance the value of the property, making it more attractive to potential buyers and investors, as well as bond financiers.

Enhanced Community Facilities: Financing improvement projects through sectional title loans improves communal areas and amenities, leading to greater resident satisfaction and a higher quality of life.

Financial Flexibility: Access to flexible financing options provides the necessary funds to manage unexpected expenses or undertake large projects, helping bodies corporate navigate financial challenges more effectively and conveniently.

Compliance and Transparency: Effective financial management ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, providing transparency and accountability for all stakeholders.


Sectional title loan funding is a helpful financial management option, enabling bodies corporate and other community scheme types to effectively handle financial challenges, maintain properties, and enhance property value where a matching need arises. Trafalgar offers a range of financial solutions tailored to the unique needs of sectional title schemes, providing the support necessary to achieve financial stability, success, and sustainability.

If your sectional title scheme is facing financial challenges, planning significant projects, or experiencing cash flow challenges,contact Trafalgar today to explore our sectional title loan finance options. Let us help you ensure the ongoing success and well-being of your community scheme.

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